Secure your reputation with GlobalBlock

Discover the world's most unified blocking service.

Features of GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+

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Automatic Protection
GlobalBlock captures all available names that match your brand and places them in your account, which prevents bad actors from getting their hands on them.
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Global Coverage
With nearly 600 domain extensions covered from around the world, you’ll have unprecedented coverage in one simple and cost-effective transaction.
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Domain Unblocking
Have a domain that is blocked but found a use for it within your business? GlobalBlock allows you to submit a request and it’s yours to use as and when you wish.
Priority AutoCatch
Monitoring for domains that match your brand name, even those held by others. If these become available again, they’ll be automatically added to your account at no extra cost.
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Automatic Domain Assurance
Mistakes can and do happen. GlobalBlock catches any domain that matches your brand if it accidentally expires or is deleted.
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In addition to the above, GlobalBlock+ includes the blocking of all main labels and of homoglyph confusable characters for even greater protection.

What is included in GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+?

Product Overview 



Blocking across all available extensions  ✔️ ✔️ 
Premium domain name blocking✔️ ✔️ 
Priority AutoCatch of previously registered domains✔️ ✔️ 
Domain Unblock✔️ ✔️ 
Blocking of all main labels included ✔️ 
Blocking of homoglyph confusable characters  ✔️ 


Are you ready to take your brand protection efforts to new heights?

If your domain name is deliberately hijacked through cybercriminal activities such as phishing, spoofing or malware, or accidentally redirected, the effect is the same – resulting in immediate loss of reputation and revenue for your business. 

With GlobalBlock and GlobalBlock+, you can prevent this from happening.

Contact us today to enquire about these services and to find out which domain extensions can be covered for your business.

Watch our Webinar

Want to find out more about the different features of GlobalBlock?
Watch our GlobalBlock webinar below to find out how the service can help you protect your business.

Find out more about GlobalBlock

What is domain blocking?
What is a brand label?
What is GlobalBlock?
Which additional services does GlobalBlock+ offer?
Which TLDs are included in GlobalBlock?
Where can I view the labels covered by GlobalBlock?
Will domain names already registered be blocked?
How many years can I register GlobalBlock for?
I'm already a BrandShelter customer. What value does GlobalBlock add for me?
I'm interested in becoming a customer, what are the benefits for me?