
Trademark Monitoring

Protect and Defend Your Intellectual Property

Safeguard your trademarks with monitoring services.

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Discover Our Trademark Monitoring Services 

Catch potential trademark infringements to your registered trademarks early and take immediate action.

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Trademark Watch Service
Watch your brand name for information on newly published trademarks in over 170 jurisdictions worldwide, including full coverage by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).
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Company Name Watch Service
You will receive notifications when a company with a name that closely resembles yours is registered in more than 100 international jurisdictions and the majority of U.S. states.
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Applicant Watch Service
Get alerts when a particular applicant submits a trademark application or secures a trademark registration, irrespective of class or resemblance to your marks, to gain a competitive advantage.
Tm protect your trademarks

Is Your Business Based in the United States of America? 

In this jurisdiction, we are able to offer these additional services.

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Official Gazette
We warn you when matching or similar brand names are published in the U.S. Official Gazette. All notices contain opposition periods as listed in the Gazette.
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Trademark Applications
We notify you when a certain company or person submits an application or registers a trademark with the USPTO. You will also be notified if a trademark is approved for publication and of any changes to the status of any specific applications.
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Goods & Classes
We notify you when a specific goods description or trademark class is used in either a newly filed trademark application or in a mark published for opposition. Extremely useful for monitoring a particular market segment.
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Design & Logo
We inform you if a draft of a logo design with specific pre-defined characteristics has been filed in an application with the USPTO or has been published for the objection in U.S. Official Gazette.
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Registration - Early Warning
The Trademark Early Warning Service notifies you when a trademark has been accepted for publication but not yet published for opposition. This gives you up to 6 weeks more time to prepare the opposition.
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Login Status Monitoring
To track the status of your application, you don't have to keep checking the USPTO website. We will notify you when the status of a particular serial number changes so you can act quickly.
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Common Law Monitoring
You will be notified when your mark is featured in updates to our common law sources.
A person typing on a laptop